This is a quick guide on how to run MSSQL on your local
- Docker (
Install MSSQL Server 2019
Open your terminal and run
docker pull
On your docker desktop app you will see an image has been pull

Run your image with line below in your terminal
docker run - name SQLSERVERNAME -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=SQLSERVERPASSWORD' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' -p 1433:1433 -d
to your desired value
Connect to MSSQL
Once the installation above completed, can use any SQL Client IDE to connect.
In this case we going to use DBeaver is its free and not much hassle.
Click the New Database Connection
button at the top left.

Pick the SQL Server
as Database Driver and click next

Fill in the connection configuration

Host let it remain localhost
as its in the local. Username put SA
as the default existing user created is SA
. You can change it later or create a new user after logged in. Password put it as what you set in the above settings SQLSERVERPASSWORD
. Leave the rest as default and click finish.
Double click on the Database
folder on the navigator.

It will open a panel on the workspace. Right click anywhere and create a new database.

Once you done. Do what ever you need hehe. Its running already.
You can see it from the docker containers tab

Thank you.